授课教师 李xx
授课班级 高一(1)班
教学内容 : unit 4 earthquakes period 4 listening
课 堂 记 录
step 1 revision
1. check the homework exercises.
2. ask some students to make sentences with attributive clauses.
step 2 warming up
tell the students: as we all know, earthquakes are disasters to everyone. but why do earthquakes happen? can we avoid or at least reduce the loss caused by earthquakes? can we foretell earthquakes? now we will do some listening and the listening text will tell us the answers.
step 3 listening (on page 62 in the workbook)
1. look through the part listening on page 62 and guess what the listening material may be about. then listen to the tape for the first time to see whether their guessing is right or not.
2. read the following statements and listen to the tape for the second time. then decide whether they are true or false.
check the answers and try to correct the statements which are false.
3. listen to the tape again and then answer the questions and complete the following sentences.
part 1:
1)why do earthquakes happen?
2)why do california, china and japan have a lot of earthquakes?
part 2:
1)do not built______________.
2)make sure you build______________.
3)you must______________._____________ buildings will fall down and_____________ ones may______________.
a few minutes later, check the answers with the whole class.
4. discuss this question in small groups: why do some earthquakes kill more people than others?
5. reading and retelling
show the students the listening text and let them read it. then ask them to retell the cause of earthquakes and the ways of reducing losses from earthquakes.
step 4 listening task(on page 66 in the workbook)
turn to page 66. look at the pictures and discuss what the might have learned.
1. in four let the students discuss what would be the best way to protect oneself if there was an earthquake.
2. ask one member of the group to give their ideas to the class.
3. let the class 出现恶意脚本uate each group’s idea and see if they agree. if they do, write the idea on the board. collect the ideas all the groups have contributed.
4. ask the students to choose the three that they think are the most useful if an earthquake comes.
5. listen to the tape for the first time and see if the ideas on the tape are the same. discuss why the plans on the tape are different from the ones suggested by the class.
6. now make the earthquake plan. then listen to the tape for the second time to improve the earthquake plan.
step 5 listening(on page 31 in using language)
1. tell the students: we are going to listen to a story told by a man who was a survivor of the great san francisco earthquake of 1906.
2. go through the sentences in exercise 2, then listen to the tape for the first time, and try to tell whether the statements are true or false.
3. go through the questions in exercise 3, then listen to the tape for the second time and answer the questions.
4. tell the students: while listening to the tape, you should not only pay attention to the contents, but also the pronunciation and intonation.
5. reading and retelling
show the students the listening text and let them read it. then ask them to retell it. step 6 homework
1. finish off the workbook exercises.
2. read the listening texts again and try to retell them.
本堂课是该单元教学的第四部分——听力教学。首先李老师对上一堂课的内容进行了复习,随后导入了新课。本堂课的生点放在了提高学生的听力能力上。workbook的听力提供了有关地震的材料并描述了事情的因果关系。李老师用了一些问题进行导入,像“为什么地震会发生?”“我们是否能够避免或减少地震给我们带来的伤害。”等等···先让学生猜测听力内容后播放第一遍磁带,判断猜测是否正确。接下来听第二遍并完成exercise 1判断正误。再听第三遍录音,完成练习2中的问题与表格。听此遍时,李老师暂停并重复了一些重点的句子帮助学生理解文章。核对答案时,对学生有疑惑的听力难点进行解释。最后,让学生阅读听力原文并要求复述。这一步能帮助学生进一步理解听力材料并抓住重点。在听的过程中,有些学生发现很难听懂并理解听力材料,李老师适时地鼓励他们不要放弃。“the more they listen to english, the easier it becomes.”
一、 优点:
1. 教师能够把新课改的教学理念运用到教学中,精心设计了本节课,
2. 教学过程流场。教师重视了课外知识的拓展。能利用学生已有的
3. 能通过创设活动,情景引导学生参与课堂教学;能让学生利用
4. 教学设计思路较清晰,能按“四位一体”课堂教学法
(preparation presentation、practice、production)思路设计并实施教学,课堂教学基本体现“三维目标”要求,教学效果较好,能注重听、说、读、写基本技能训练,又能引用例引发学生思考、讨论,师生互动性强,课堂气氛较活跃;语言节奏控制较好,能利用肢体语言“拉近”师生关系。
二、 不足之处:
1. 教材中的活动知识内容可在适当的时候加入教学中,给学有余力的学生学习发展的机会。
2. 教学过程中可根据学生具体情况,来安排教学任务,如一部分学生完成较好、较快、可以帮助其他学生完成,整体效果会更好。教师教学中需要充分发挥教师的激情,去激发、唤醒学生浓厚的学习兴趣。
4. 在讲解开始插入图片或动画,可以再次展示开课引课用的风景网页,引导学生模仿逐步学习;
5. 课堂气氛稍显严肃,学生不够活跃,回答老师问题的学生太局限。
1. 应多创设问题情景,引发学生思维、讨论、互动,提高课堂教学效果;
2. 应让学生朗读英语语言,以获得亲自体验、感受;
3. 应让学生充分发表自己的意见,多鼓励学生,充分调动学生学习的积极; 总之,在传授知识与技能的同时,也要注意过程与方法,
情感态度价值观的 体现。
4. 可以给学生更充分的时间讨论,适当控制教学节奏;
5. 备课要考虑多种因素,上课要灵活,教学评价语言要积极鼓励、丰富。
【听课记录及评析模板 英语听课记录及评析】